About LIWAC 2021
The domestic and industrial use of water and its importance to a state, especially an urbanized one, cannot be over-emphasized. This also means its scarcity, contamination, or wastage will obviously be hazardous.
Hence the Lagos State government, under the Lagos State Water Regulatory Commission (LASWARCO) is organizing its second Lagos International Water Conference LIWAC 2021.
In line with its ministerial responsibility. It seeks to explore the primary objective of promoting the long-term interest of the consumers, and facilitating efficiency in the water sector, encouraging long-term investment and enabling the financial viability of the water sector.
Promoting the long-term interest of the consumers, and facilitating efficiency in the water sector, encouraging long-term investment, and enabling the financial viability of the water sector.
Focusing on solutions and results capable of unbundling the obstacles to financial viability and access to clean water and sanitation through experimental knowledge.

Osward Mulenga Chanda
Osward is the Acting Director of the Water Development and Sanitation Department at the Africa Development Bank, responsible for a project portfolio of US$4.8 billion and the Africa Water Facility and the Rural Water and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI). He served as the first Director of the water services regulator in Zambia following very successful institutional reforms. He has over thirty years’ work experience in the sector. He is a global player in the water sector, a fellow of the International Water Association, who has served on the World Water Council governing board. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Zambia and a Master’s degree from the University of Melbourne in Australia.

Dr. Rob Fuller, Global Water Sector Advisor
Dr Rob Fuller has over 25 years water sector experience working firstly in the U.k industry and latterly with WaterAid, the largest international Non-Government organization focused solely on bringing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to the poorest and most marginalized people in communities around the world. As a global water sector Advisor, his role is to engage water sector actors to bring their skills, expertise, influence and finances to help find solutions to the global WASH crisis and in particular in supporting the development of strong, sustainable water industries in developing countries.

Dr. Boluwaji Onabolu, Urban Water Specialist
Dr. Boluwaji Onabolu is a WASH and Environmental and Public Health Specialist with a Masters in Public Health (Specialisation in Environmental Health ) PGD in Epidemiology and PhD in Water Resources Science. She has worked in various sectors such as in academia as senior university lecturer in SA; the UN ( UNICEF) for over a decade as well as in the NGO spheres for example with the Nobel prize winning Medicines SAN Frontiers . While with UNICEF Nigeria, she was Project Manager for the DFID funded SHAWN project which grew from an initial 40 million dollars to 150 million dollars. Her professional experience of almost three decades have been at both national and international level. She has worked in Eastern, Western and Southern Africa and South East Asia (Bangladesh) She is currently the Executive Director of WASHMATA Initiatives, a newly established WASH focused NGO and the president of the Network of Female Professionals in WASH in Nigeria..

John Garette, Developing Finance Policy Researcher and Advocacy Specialist
John is a development finance policy researcher and advocacy specialist with ten years of experience working in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector with WaterAid UK. As well as leading WaterAid’s policy on development finance. He is responsible for a project focusing on urban planning and water security in Lagos and three other major African cities. John was part of the organizing committee for Resilient Lagos Week in April 2019, where WaterAid and international architecture firm Sheppard Robson presented potential options for infrastructure investment in the water sector in Lagos. He is currently working closely with the Lagos State Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Water Regulatory commission and other partners on the development of a climate finance bid for Lagos. Prior to joining WaterAid, John worked as a civil servant at the UK Treasury on international finance, public spending and housing and regeneration issues. He has experience of working for both central and local government and in the public, private and third sectors.

Pastor Tawakalitu A. Williams, An Infrastructural Project Conception and Mgt Expert.
Pastor Tawakalitu A. Williams is an engineer with 49 years professional experience, a major part of which has been gained in very senior and demanding positions. She has experience in planning, design, and supervision of civil engineering projects with particular emphasis on the development of infrastructural facilities especially water resources projects. She also possesses a great deal of experience of human, material, and financial resource management and has participated and led identification, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and control of large complex projects. Pastor Williams was the General Manager of Lagos Water Corporation (LWC) between 1992 and 1996. Under her leadership, the Corporation witnessed the heaviest investment and monumental development as well as major restructuring, commercialisation and corporatisation of the organisation. After her retirement from LWC, She established Challenge International Associates – a firm of Civil Engineering Consultants that has carried out numerous projects for both State and Federal Government Agencies in various parts of Nigeria. Pastor Williams is the first female head of the Lagos Water Corporation. Appointed as Special Adviser for Water Resources to the Governor of the State of Osun in 2013, she is currently the Project Management Consultant on the Islamic Development Bank – funded Ilesa Township Water Supply Project. Her professional affiliations include Fellow , Nigerian Society of Engineers; Member, COREN and Member, American Society of Quality (ASQ)

Timeyin Uwejamomere, Managing Partner/CEO, Mangrove & Partners Ltd
Timeyin is the Managing Partner/CEO of Mangrove & Partners Ltd (MPL), a company set up to strengthen institutions mandated to provide basic services and improve human settlements. Mangrove & Partners currently supports state institutions and development agencies to build capacities, systems and partnerships for improved WASH services. To this end, Timeyin is providing part-time consultancy support to the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, as the National Coordinator of Nigeria’s National Action Plan to Revitalize the WASH Sector, a program launched by President Muhammadu Buhari in November 2018. He is a Fellow of the Leadership for Environment and Development Programme (LEAD), London, and a Member of the Nigeria Institute of Town Planners.

CHARLES SCOTT RIBA, Developing Finance Policy Researcher and Advocacy Specialist
Charles leads the Masterplanning and Urban Design Group at Sheppard Robson. His dual qualifications as an Architect and Urban Designer have enabled him to take an active design role in a variety of master planning projects from the widest scale visioning exercise or development framework to smaller scale streetscape and building design. For the last five years Sheppard Robson have worked alongside WaterAid on the Spatial Planning for Urban Sanitation & Water project, Charles leads this project. Previously Charles worked on the Minna Airport City Project in Niger State, a major regeneration project to create a new transport and manufacturing hub. In addition, he was involved in the masterplanning of part of the Eko Atlantic project in Lagos. East Wick & Sweetwater transforms a significant part of the former London Olympic Games site creating two new neighbourhoods; Charles is leading this project at Sheppard Robson, heading a team that includes five other architectural practices. Charles was also project leader on Barking Riverside, Thames Gateway’s biggest strategic housing project; he helped create the project's innovative master planning design. Charles sits on the board of Camden Town Unlimited, an elected body who represent businesses within Camden, central London, to deliver and campaign for a range of projects and policies that benefit the local area. Charles regularly presents at regeneration, master planning and urban design events.
DATE: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
TIME: 09:00a.m
VENUE: Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos
Conference Deliverables
- To develop suggestions for ways to improve investment governance in the State.
- To attract investment into Lagos WASH sector and consequently deliver on SDG6.
- To identify ways and means to facilitate and promote FDI in the WASH sector of the State.
- To develop a legal investment framework for the sector with a view of protecting investment in the sector.
- To share experenices and best practices and develop the proper investment policy for the State’s WASH sector.
- To showcase the opportunities and potentials for investment in the water and wastewater sector of Lagos State.
- To draw up an investment plan for the infrastural development in the water and wastewater section of the State.
- To attract the State of the art technology international outfits to the State’s WASH sector with the aim of solving infrastructure challenges.