
Mr Leslie Blinker

Mr. Blinker is a Visionary Executive with more than 33 years of international experience which commenced in UNESCO Paris, France in 1989, namely in the Water Science & Ecological Science Division with a subsequent move to the UNEP Paris Office, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics where he gained Multinational & Global experience
(i) in preparing and implementing multidimensional/disciplinary
projects with strong environmental and social
components, and
(ii) in cooperating with development partners using diverse funding sources. In the process, he also acquired significant experience and
knowledge in assessing and developing operations/trends and financing approaches in
specific industry sectors (e.g. energy, mining (large-scale & small-scale), oil & gas, iron and steel, sustainable production & consumption,sustainable building & construction, etc),
utilities, infrastructure and natural resources management projects

Mr. Olu Adebo MBA, CPA

Experienced accounting and finance professional, with over 20 years professional experience, including 13 years as Chief Financial Officer and
Controller for the largest water and sewer utility on the east coast, USA. Currently Principal and CEO of an independent global financial and management consulting
firm with several international and national clients. Extensive experience in infrastructure and utility management with specific experience in strategic planning; developing and implementing comprehensive short and long term financial plans (including financing plans and structure); devising, reviewing and implementing feasibility and rate/tariff studies; providing project management support in various technology
implementation; business and organizational reengineering; risk assessments; corporate audits and budget development.Nationally recognized as a utility expert. In 2009
and 2012, was recognized by the Washington Business Journal and selected as a nominee and finalist for its “CFO of the Year” award.

Virgilio (Perry) Rivera, Jr.

Virgilio He is the founder and managing consultant of WatSan Analytics, a management consulting firm catering to the water and sanitation sector. Advisor, UK-based Container based Sanitation Alliance, World Bank, and Global Water Intelligence (GWI). A resource speaker on public policy and regulation, PPP and water utility management and economics for more than 27 years, and was recently engaged by GWI and Global Water Leaders Group as Regional Champion and Steering Committee Member. His expertise includes utility economics, design and implementation of large-scale water PPP with a focus on
BOT/Concession and Management Contract models, corporate strategy, public policy and regulation, price reviews, preparation of master plans for city-wide utility operation, international business development and general management in a highly regulated water utility setting with P&L accountability. Employed by Ayala Corporation, a leading Philippine conglomerate, for over 33 years, and seconded to Manila Water Company, Inc. (MWCI) in 1997 and held leading roles such as COO for New Business/Subsidiary Operations and Business Development, and President and CEO of Manila Water Philippine Ventures
and Manila Water Asia Pacific, Independent Director of the Toilet Board Coalition, Founding Member, Academy of Regulatory Professionals, Adjunct Professor, Global Change
Institute at University of Queensland. Board Member/Fellow, International Water Association, member of the Sanitation and Water for All, its advisory council on
Mutual Accountability Mechanism program. In 2014, ADB published his book “Tap Secrets: The Manila Water Story—An Exercise in Successful Utility Reform in Urban Water Sector.”

Ruth Nganga

Executive Ms. Nganga has worked at the Water Sector Trust Fund for 12 years, where she heads the Fund Development portfolio that is responsible for sustainable and innovative financing to the Water Fund, Product Development and Partnerships.During this period at the Resource Mobilization and Partnerships docket, WaterFund has attracted many and diverse partnerships and financing for water and sanitation projects through signed funding agreements and private finance leveraged through blended and result
based mechanisms. Prior to joining WaterFund, Ms. Nganga worked in
various fields including Community Investments and Development, Education and Christian leadership. She holds a Master’s Degree in Business
Administration (MBA) from Unicaf University Zambia, a Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) from the Institute of Education, University of London, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from East Africa School of Theology, Nairobi.Ms. Nganga holds various professional qualifications in Resource Mobilization and Public
Private Partnerships, among other fields.

Ivan Draganic

Ivan Draganic is a dedicated WASH professional with over 10years of experience providing technical advisory services on WASH regulation, programs, governance and policy within the United Nations and Stockholm International Water Institute. With an LL.M in EU Law and a strong background in competition practice. Ivan has worked with government worldwide to address WASH regulatory challenges and develop innovative solutions. As the author of several WASH regulation publication and manuals, Ivan possess a deep understanding of regulatory f rameworks and economic functions. His work includes developing guidelines, analyzing socio-economic impacts and addressing issues such as natural disasters and climate change. Ivans expertise in WASH regulatory practice extends to several dozens of countries across the globe.With a focus effective project management and a commitment to achieving organizational goals, Ivan has teams and worked independently, ensuring timely delivery of strategic priorities even in challenging settings. His strong analytical skills ability to conceptualize new approaches make him a valuables asset in addressing complex WASH regulatory challenges worldwide.

John Garett

John is a development finance policy researcher and advocacy specialist with fourteen years of experience working in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector with WaterAid UK. As well as leading WaterAid’s policy on development finance he is responsible for a project focusing on urban planning and water security in Lagos and three other major African cities. John was part of the organising committee for Resilient Lagos Week in April 2019, where WaterAid and international architecture firm Sheppard Robson presented potential options for infrastructure investment in the water sector in Lagos. He is currently working closely with the Lagos State Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, WaterAid Nigeria and other partners on the development of a climate finance bid for Lagos. Prior to joining WaterAid, John worked as a civil servant at the UK Treasury. He has experience of working for both central and local government and in the public, private and third sectors.

Dr. Kamal Kar Chairman, CLTS

Kamal Kar is an international development specialist in the sphere of natural resources, management, agriculture, and rural development with decades of experience working in over 45 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific. He has successfully pioneered a number of innovative approaches in natural resource management by local communities, including nomadic herders, and appropriate low-cost technologies in farming. He has also worked in the areas of urban poverty, slum improvement, and local governance in India, Mongolia, Bangladesh, and Cambodia.

Mr. Erik Labee

Erik Labee is the founder and CEO of Endelea W a t e r a n d I n f r a s t r u c t u r e L t d .
Endelea is a Kenyan based consultancy firm that focuses on climate resilient projects and
businesses in the fields of water, infrastructure, port development, agriculture and the built
environment. He has over 17 years of management experience and over 24 years of professional project and process management experience in a wide range of multidisciplinary projects , including consultancy, construction, inf rastructure,
e n g i n e e r i n g , w a t e r a n d r e a l e s t a t e . He has a proven track record of operating successfully in complex management and project environments. Also have extensive network in East Africa in the private and public sector at operational, tactical and strategic levels.

Mr. Rui Cunha Marques Global Expert on Regulation and Contracts, PhD, Professor and RPG Director

Rui Cunha Marques is a Full Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, and an Adjunct Associate Professor (honorary) at the University of New England (Australia). He specializes in public utilities regulation, infrastructure, and PPPs, with research in over 50 countries. Rui is a highly cited author, editor of several leading journals, and has supervised numerous PhD students. He’s consulted extensively for international organizations and governments on infrastructure development.